Currently hiring for Warehouse Associate for 2nd Shift Sunday to Thursday 3:30PM - Midnight
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ThriftBooks is the world's largest used book retailer! We believe in a workplace where respect for our employees matters, where promoting from within is how we grow, and where safety comes first in all our decisions and planning. At ThriftBooks, your work will help get inexpensive books into the hands of people who need them instead of going into landfill. We strive to create a friendly work environment with high standards of performance and rewards for excellence. We started out small and remember that encouraging people to do their best is how we expanded to our current scale.
If you want to learn about the intersection of technology, innovation, and good old-fashioned teamwork, we might be a good fit for you. Wherever you start in the company, our hope is that is a launching point to higher achievement. At ThriftBooks, your success is up to you.
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...objects, products, and computer equipment Willing to work weekends, and/or holidays. General Responsibilities: Provide prompt... ...procedures. Administrative responsibilities such as data entry, reporting etc. Respond appropriately to guest complaints and...
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Registered Nurse - Interventional Radiology ServicesPosition Summary An Interventional Radiology (IR) nurse is a specialized RN who assists physicians in these procedures. The nurse is responsible for patient care during the entire process, including the initial...